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Dongguan Huaqing Electroplating Technology Co., Ltd.

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Dongguan Huaqing Electroplating Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact: Mr. Li
Mobile: 136-9422-3549
Tel: 0769-81210940, 0769-81210950
Fax: 0769-81210960
E-mail: liqiwen@dghuaqing.com
Company website: http//www.huaqingdg.com
Address: 4th Floor, Building B06, Haofeng Environmental Protection Industrial Zone, Masan Village, Mayong Town, Dongguan City

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Dongguan Huaqing Electroplating Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact: Mr. Li     Mobile: 136-9422-3549
Tel: 0769-81210940, 0769-81210950 Fax: 0769-81210960

E-mail: liqiwen@dghuaqing.com

Company website: http//www.huaqingdg.com

Address: 4th Floor, Building B06, Haofeng Environmental Protection Industrial Zone, Masan Village, Mayong Town, Dongguan City